An Apology and an Announcement

Well, my blog has been sleepy.  I apologize. I had hoped to post a Christmas post at least.  Well, I’ve been busy writing and publishing the book I have referenced many times over the 5 years of this site.  It is finally published!

It can be purchased here in case anyone is interested —

It talks about railroading in West Texas just a smidge, but it is mostly about a guy finding himself while living in West Texas and France.  It is a quirky, thoughtful (I hope) and at times humorous book that is not easily categorized.

Anyway, please consider checking it out.

I will get back to blogging on trains in the future, but meanwhile to tide you over, here are some recent pictures from B. Smith’s outstanding Limpia Canyon Northern–


Caught the local as it was picking up a gondola of scoria and about to head back to its home terminal 

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The team track received a load of poles and an empty 2-bay covered hopper, seen here being loaded with possibly dried tomatoes?  Any idea what they might of loaded along the WP into a 2-bay covered hopper in 1968.  Looks like some product gets spilled on top of the covered hopper and runs down the side.  They should try to get the conveyor lower and closer to the loading hatch!

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Farewell for now!  Hope to be back again before too long.